Wednesday, March 28, 2012


A few days ago I spent about 15 minutes in conversation with a fellow I see very intermittently. When it was over I had an idea of his philanthropic practices (considerable), his filial responsibility and kindness (impressive), and his investing success (really good). A week or so before that I spent even less time with another guy and learned the percentage of world sales of his firm that he is responsible for, how many people’s jobs depend on him setting up big deals, and I think something about his wine cellar. Here’s what I’d like. I’d like to get these two guys to have lunch together and witness the result. The conversation that I imagine titillates my grey matter. Who would dominate? Which one would go the furthest? Would either one listen? Would their claims escalate?  Would they enjoy their time together? What would each think of the other when the conversation ended?  Alas I see no way for them to ever cross paths, but how I’d like to be there if it happened.

Probably I should add that I am no paragon of modesty. For all I know I may be exactly like these two. Nobody has ever intimated as much to me, but then neither did I say anything to them. I do publish a completely ego centric and self indulgent blog. Come to think of it my wife may have been trying to convey something yesterday.

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