Sunday, January 11, 2009

First conversations - first time events

It is obvious that everything that has ever been talked about had to have a first conversation. Maybe there was once one along these lines.

"Honey, I’m home."

"Hello dear."

"You should have seen what I did today."

"Oh, what was that dear?"

"I did a painting in the sand."

"You mean a drawing with a stick?"

"No, no. I found a place with really white sand and I made that nice and smooth, and then I poured some black sand over it to make a picture. I call it sand painting."

"Sand painting? How did it look? Did it look like anything? Since when have you been an artist?"

"Well it was a little rough, but someday I think some real artists will do beautiful things in my medium."

"How long were you doing this?"

"Oh, a couple of hours I guess."

"I suppose you want me to go see it."

"Oh no. I’m sure it’s gone now. It only lasts ‘til the first wind or rain."

"So you spent two hours doing a sand painting that has now been washed away."

"Yeah. I wonder if I should try to patent this."

"I wonder if tomorrow you should try to find a job."

If you are not familiar with sand painting and would like to learn about it go here. See especially the Tibetan and Modern Culture portions.

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