Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Bumper Sticker I Wish I Had


I have recently come to realize that in the realm of interpersonal relations, I am at my absolute worst while driving a car. I am impatient. I am judgmental. I am defensive in the personality sense; not in the driving sense. And I can, if provoked, become demonstrative of all of these qualities. What sadly is new, is that I have become particularly sensitive about my age. I think that I am in fact about an average driver, which means of course that from time to time I screw up, sometimes to the point of drawing some kind of reprimand from one or two of my fellow drivers. The last couple of times this has happened I have discovered that my own somewhat testy response to a raised finger or whatever, is in part due to my thinking that, seeing my white beard and crinkled face, the other guy thinks that my screw up was due to my age. NOT SO. I HAVE ALWAYS DRIVEN LIKE THIS!

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