Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two Cyclists Get To Talking

I had just pulled to a stop at a red light when another rider came up beside me and said "On your left". This is common and polite verbiage when passing another rider, but it was a bit unusual given that we were stopped. I think for this reason she said it quietly and as we stood there went on to say, "I am riding only a bit faster than you" or words to that effect. She was fifty something I would say. She had one pannier that appeared to be full and carried on her shoulders a loaded day pack. Atop her handle bar bag rested a map. The light turned green almost immediately and she pulled away in front, but at the very next intersection there was a stop sign and as I came up next to her I chirped, "Where are you going with that map?" She didn't appear to be going to the office.

"I don't want to get into any long conversations" she replied.

We traveled on in silence, about four feet apart, for several blocks.

I did not say "So long" when I turned off her course.

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